Red Rose Bouquet

Romantic Red Roses Bouquet

Express your love and passion with our luxurious hand-tied bouquet of premium red roses. Each rose is elegantly adorned with a delicate pearl detail, adding a touch of sophistication. Perfect for a romantic occasion, this stunning bouquet is wrapped in elegant kraft paper for a timeless presentation, satin ribbon.

Available Sizes & Prices:
• 12 Red Roses – £85
• 24 Red Roses – £125
• 50 Red Roses – £235
• 100 Red Roses – £450

Make a grand romantic gesture with this exquisite bouquet!


  • *Enter your card Messege

Delivery Details

We deliver flowers within an approx. 30 mile radius of our shop in Shrewsbury, Shropshire. Same-day delivery is often possible but to guarantee your flowers arrive on a particular day, we recommend ordering before 1pm Monday – Saturday. Unfortunately we are not able to deliver on a Sunday and we cannot guarantee specific delivery times. All deliveries and collections are beautifully gift wrapped and arranged for freshness. We hand deliver each bouquet and if nobody is home to receive them, we will leave a delivery card to specify whether the flowers have been left with a neighbour or in a safe place on the property. If neither is possible, the flowers will be taken back to our shop and we will arrange either re-delivery or collection.